Meetings are held at 7.15 pm on the last Friday of the winter months (except December) in the Fuller Hall of the Lymington Community Centre.
Visitors are always welcome.
Refreshments are served from 6.45 and we look forward to seeing you!
January 26th – Dr Will Ward: Home Guard Auxiliary Units in the New Forest.
Sometimes known as ‘Churchill’s secret army’, during the second world war they were a sabotage unit set up in case of Nazi invasion.
February 23rd – Dr Cheryl Butler: Strangers & Aliens.
Concerns about immigration are not new! Locals complained about foreign workers taking away trade. Italians, French, Dutch and Huguenots all settled in Southampton. Moors, Hungarians and Native American Indians also trod the streets.
March 22nd – Pauline Shirley: Lymington’s secret Courtyards and Alleyways.
Starting with a brief history of the town, we will be taken into the alleyways and courtyards of old Lymington where quirky remains of past history are still to be found.
Previous talks can be viewed here