
“We are unable to answer queries ourselves, but please check out the research page for useful links”

If you are contacting us with a historical enquiry relating to Lymington, please note that our society has donated all our Lymington history material to the St Barbe Museum. Please contact them direct via

If you are contacting us with a historical enquiry relating to the New Forest please note our society has donated all our New Forest history material to the Christopher Tower Library in Lyndhurst. Please contact them direct via

If you are contacting us with an enquiry relating to history in the Milford on Sea area, we strongly advise you liaise with the Milford on Sea Historical Society who are contactable via their website at

If you are contacting us with an enquiry relating to history in the New Milton area, we strongly advise that you liaise with the Milton Heritage Society who are contactable via their website at

Details of how to contact the Lymington & District Historical Society are shown here:

membership [AT]

Or use the form below: